

Q: Kimi, again a year ago it was your first Grand Prix for Ferrari. What’s the difference in feeling this year?
KR: For sure it is much easier to come now. It is different because I know the team, know the people, so … (inaudible) . Last year went very well for us. Now it should be easier as I know the team.
Q:Do you agree with the way Formula One is going?(2009-)
KR: I don’t know anything about the whole thing, so I can’t really comment.
Q:How did you spend those days between and did you have any holidays?
LH: スイスとか香港とかの話を6行分
KR: I was at home, to see my friends and family, and then came here on Monday, that’s about it.
FA: Same thing. I was at home with family and came here on Monday.


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