

SalouのPort Aventuraテーマパークをベースとするラリー・エスパーニャは、WRCの中でもコンパクトなイベントとして知られている。しかし今年、前F1チャンピオンのレッドブルドライバー、キミ・ライコネンにとって、ラリーは特に短いものになった。フライングフィンは準備段階で行き過ぎ(went flying)、WRCの最後から2つめのラウンドで、シェイクダウンで車にダメージを負わせてしまった。衝撃は巨大ではなかったが、彼のC4 WRCのロールケージの損傷は続行するにはあまりにひどすぎた。今年のラリーエスパーニャはグラベルとアスファルトで初めて行われ、シェイクダウンステージは両方を含んでいた。キミは1つめのランを完了したが、セカンドランの途中、グラベルが終わりアスファルトが始まるところで、左手のコーナーのバンクヒットしてしまった。衝撃で彼のクルマはひっくり返り、転がった。コドライバー、カイ・リンドストロームのシートの真上のロールケージは損傷を受けた。これが、キミのクルマがラリーをスタートできなかった安全上の理由を意味する。

キミ・ライコネン: 時々起こることだけど、ただ、ばかだった。バンクに接触して、クルマはロールした。それだけだ。ラッキーだったなら避けられた類のことだ。でも今回は、カイの側のロールケージにダメージがあった。僕達はリスタートできない、これで(ラリーは)終わりだ。僕達に合っているラリーだと思っていたから残念だけど、今となっては僕達はそれを確かめることもできない。とてもがっかりしているけど、この失望も時にはゲームの一部だって分かる程度には十分長くモータースポーツをやっている。(そういう風に思うことが)こういうことに対処する方法だ。今は、次のイベントをただ楽しみにするだけだ。そして将来のことに集中するつもりだ。いつも、今まで(の過去)よりもっと面白くなるんだ。


カイ・リンドストローム: 残念だが、私達は何も変えられない。他のドライバーと短いテストを行ったこともあるが、これまでにこんなに早くラリーを終えたことはなかったよ。このスポーツではあらゆるものを予測し、あらゆるものから学ばなければならない。私とキミは、自分達に起こったことを受け入れた。私はキミを分かっているが、これはただキミを奮い立たせるだろう。私達はいまここを去るが、ラリーGBで力強く戻ってくるよ。

The Rally de Espana is well-known for being a compact event of the World Rally Championship, based on stages around the Port Aventura theme park in Salou.
But this year, the rally will be particularly short for former Grand Prix Champion and Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen. The flying Finn went flying a bit too early in proceedings, and damaged his car in the shakedown to the penultimate round of the World Rally Championship. The impact wasn’t a huge one, but it damaged his Citroen C4 WRC’s roll cage too badly for him to continue.
This year’s Rally de Espana is being run for the first time on both gravel and asphalt surfaces, and the shakedown stage contained a bit of both. Kimi completed one run successfully, but clipped a bank on a left-hand corner halfway through the second run, just after the gravel finished and the asphalt began. The impact tipped his car over, and it rolled. The roll cage just above co-driver Kaj Lindstrom’s seat was damaged, which meant that for safety reasons Kimi’s car was not able to start the rally.

“It was just one of those stupid things that happens sometimes: I just touched the bank and the car rolled,” said the Iceman. “It’s the sort of thing that if you’re lucky you get away with it, but on this occasion there was something that damaged the roll cage on Kaj’s side of the car. We can’t restart so that’s the end of that. It’s a pity as I think it was a rally that might have suited us but now we’ll never know. I’m obviously disappointed, but I’ve been around motorsport for long enough to know that disappointments are part of the game sometimes; it’s how you deal with them that matters. Now I’m just looking forward to our next event and I’m going to concentrate on the future. That’s always more interesting than the past.”

The Rally de Espana has often been described as the closest that the World Rally Championship comes to circuit racing, but Kimi will be watching it on television this year as he is now heading straight home to Switzerland.

Kaj Lindstrom is also resigned to being a spectator, but he is always able to look on the bright side of any situation. “It’s a pity, but this doesn’t really change anything for us,” Kaj said. “I’ve never had a rally finish this soon before, although I’ve had some pretty short tests with some other drivers! You have to expect anything and learn from everything in this sport, so myself and Kimi have already put what happened behind us. I know Kimi and this will just make him more determined. We’re going to go away now, but we’ll come back strongly for Rally Great Britain: I’m absolutely sure of this.”

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Rally de España – Conference 1

壮大な出オチを決めたキミさんですが、カンファレンスには出てから帰りました。シェイクダウンに一番乗り→ロールしてリタイアって。すげー、直帰してないとか! ていうかシェイクダウンの後にプレカンだったことも地味にビックリした。


このラリーの正式の名前はRally RACC Catalunya-Costa Daurada/Rally de Espanaと言う長い名前になります。この中にはスペインの民族の歴史とFIAの方針が全てこめられています。少し長くなりますがそれを説明しましょう。
RACCはRoyal Automobile Club of Catalunya,(主催クラブ)、Catalunyaはバルセロナを中心とした地方の名前ですが大国スペインの首都であるマドリッド(カスティーニャ地方)とは対立関係にあります。歴史的には国を2分して激しい内戦の時代がありました。現在でも関係が良いわけではありません。従ってこの地方の民族の誇りを示すためどうしてもCatalunyaの文字は正式名に入れなければならないのです。Costa Dauradaは開催地の名前です。一方FIAはWRCのラリー名には必ず国名を付けることを要求しているため正式名は長いダブルネームとなっています。我々のような第三者はRally of Spainと言っておけばいいのでしょう。(【WRCコラム】2010年第12戦 スペイン)

ラテンの定義 (可夢偉君って、ラテンに近いですか?w)


Rally de España – Conference 1
Q: キミ、シェイクダウンステージでのアクシデントがあって、あなたはイベントをスタートしないと聞いているけど、何があったか話してくれませんか?
KR: 少しバンクに接触してしまって、クルマは宙にジャンプして、バンクにヒットした。ロールケージが曲がった。それだけ。

Q: ステージはどのくらい走りましたか?
KR: (事故は)ターマックが始まる直前だった。

Q: クルマにダメージを負い、あなたはスタートできませんが…
KR: それがルールだからね。僕達にできることは何もない。

Q: ステージをどう思いましたか?
KR: ビデオで見た時は真っ直ぐで高速だと思った。でもレッキに来てみたら、ツイスティーでコーナーがたくさんあった。これが僕達が見たことの全て。今週末は帰って何か他のことをするよ。

Q: 週末の計画は?ここに留まって他の人をサポートしますか?
KR: スイスに帰ろうと思っている。

Q: 将来については?もう何かニュースがありますか?
KR: 残念だけど、まだ。いくつかオプションがあって、もちろん、僕はすぐに選ばなければならない。自分自身にとって正しいものを。何もしていないよ。将来のために、いい方法を見つけたい。

Q: ここで起こったことはラリーからあなたを追い出しますか?
KR: それほどでもないよ。2回起こったけど、シーズンが始まる前からそれはわかっていた。ラリーに出られないことの方がつらい。チームにとっても。でも僕ができることは何もない。何も変えることはできないから。難しい(ラリーになる)ということは分かっていたんだ。僕はまだまだ楽しんでいるよ。このラリーを楽しみにしていたんだけど、もうそれはかなわない。

Q: ラリーGBの前に将来について決定するつもりですか?
KR: いつかの時点で僕は決めなければならない。物事にはいつも、時間の制約があるものだから。シーズンの終わりまでには整理できるといいと思っているけど、何も約束はできない。

Rally de España – Conference 1
Q: Kimi, we believe you won’t be starting the event here in Spain after an accident on the shakedown stage, can you tell us what happened?
KR: I touched the bank a little bit, the car jumped on the roof and [hit] the bank. It bent the roll cage and that’s it.
Q: How far into the stage were you?
KR: It was just before the tarmac starts.
Q: There’s damage to the car and you can’t start…
KR: That’s the rules. Nothing we can do.
Q: What did you think of the stages?
KR: I thought, from what I saw on the video, they are more straight and fast, but when I got here for the recce they were twisty with a lot of corners, that’s all we see. Now I go and do something else this weekend.
Q: What are your plans for the weekend? Will you stay around and support the guys?
KR: I think I’ll go back to Switzerland.
Q: What about the future? Is there any news yet?
KR: Unfortunately, not yet. There are some options and, for sure, I have to chose very quickly and chose the right one for myself. I haven’t done anything yet. I want to find some good way for the future.
Q: Has what happened here put you off rallying?
KR: Not really. Okay it has happened two times, but I knew that before the season. It hurts more that we can’t do the rally. And for the team, but there’s nothing I can do. It doesn’t change anything. I knew it would be difficult. I still enjoy it, I was look forward to this rally, but it will not happen.
Q: Will you have a decision about your future before Rally GB?
KR: I have to do it at some point, there’s always a timeframe for everything. I hope we get sorted by the end of the season, but I can’t promise anything.

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今週末、レッドブルドライバーのキミ・ライコネンは、メキシコからポリネシア、中国、そして西部地方へと旅をするが、スペインを一度も離れることはない。この地理的奇跡はラリー・エスパーニャ、ファンにはカタロニアラリーとして知られているこのイベントが、アメリカの著名なユニバーサルスタジオに対するヨーロッパのアンサー、Port Aventura テーマパークにベースを置くということによって可能になる。世界のエキゾチックな光景がテーマパークで見られる。Grand Canyon Rapidsの吐き気を催すライドFurius Baco(トップスピード135km/hを誇るヨーロッパ最速のローラーコースター)、Dragon Khan(前述とは別のローラーコースター、こちらは8つのループを特徴とする)。パエリアはしっかりと持っていて欲しい。





ラリー・エスパーニャは、バルセロナから南に車で1時間、人気の観光地SalouのCosta Dauradaをベースに行われる。ふだんはバケツ、シャベル、ビーチで有名な街だが、来たるべき週末はキミとカイ、そしてレッドブルのWRCクルーにとって長いホリデーになるだろう。

This weekend, Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen will travel from Mexico to Polynesia to China to the Wild West. And he’s not even going to leave Spain once.
This geographic miracle is made possible by the fact that the Rally de Espana, also known to fans as the Catalunya Rally, is based in the Port Aventura theme park: Europe’s answer to the famous Universal Studios in America. All these exotic regions of the world are represented in the park, thanks to stomach-churning rides such as the Grand Canyon Rapids, Furius Baco (the fastest rollercoaster in Europe with a top speed of 135kph) and the Dragon Khan (another rollercoaster, this time featuring eight inversions). Hold onto your paella…
Kimi’s rally diet will be equally mixed, because the Rally de Espana takes in both asphalt and gravel surfaces this year. On Friday, the drivers will compete on gravel roads, whereas on Saturday and Sunday the surface will be the more typical fast and flowing asphalt that Spain’s round of the World Rally Championship is famous for.
It is often said that the Catalunya Rally is the closest that world rallying comes to circuit racing. Kimi, knows a few things about racing thanks to his 18 Grand Prix wins, does not entirely agree. But like most of the events this year, it will be a brand new experience for the ‘ice man’. So what does he think?

“I don’t know the rally at all, but the route doesn’t look like any race circuit I’ve ever seen, although I’ve heard some people say it’s similar!” he joked before starting the recce. “This year it’s going to be completely different too as the first day is gravel. But I think it’s quite nice to have the variety on this event, even though gravel is not our strongest surface. In the end we’ll just do our best and try not to make any mistakes, which has been our goal since the start of the year. It should be a very interesting rally that teaches us a lot, but I don’t think we should have expectations that are too high. If we can be near the top six then that would be great, but the main is just to get to the end. If you go like crazy on the first day and go off, then you don’t learn anything. And that’s why I’m here: to learn.”

Kaj Lindstrom, the man who reads Kimi his notes, has plenty of experience to pass on in Spain. But as Kaj points out, Kimi has been pretty good at teaching himself too. “Kimi’s obviously been used to winning in Formula One all the time, and now in rallying he starts from scratch,'” said the Finn. “It can’t be easy, having to go back to basics when you’re a World Champion. But I’ve been really impressed by his attitude. He takes in absolutely everything and if you consider what he’s achieved despite his lack of experience, it’s pretty impressive. Hopefully Spain will be good for us: Kimi should be more comfortable on the asphalt roads of Saturday and Sunday.”

The Rally de Espana is based in the popular tourist resort of Salou, an hour’s drive south of Barcelona on the Costa Daurada. While the town is normally famous for buckets, spades and beaches, the coming weekend is going to be a long way from being a holiday for Kimi, Kaj and all the other intrepid Red Bull-backed World Rally Championship crews…

On Friday, the crews will face a stage that is 100% gravel (SS2/5 La Ribera d’Ebre) and two mixed surface stages. The first stage of the loop, Terra Alta (35.94 km) is 73% gravel. The final stage, Les Garrigues (17.28 km) is split equally between sealed and loose surfaces.
The two Citroen C4 WRCs will be in gravel configuration on the first day, but will be put into full asphalt specification for Saturday and Sunday during a long service halt (1h15m) on Friday evening.

Citroen Junior Team manager Benoit Nogier commented: “There’s going to be a lot of work to convert our Citroen C4 WRCs from gravel to asphalt specification. We’ve prepared for this service halt especially so that we can be both quick and efficient. The team will be embarking on two 75-minute sessions, which in theory gives us enough time to do everything we need to do…as long as all goes according to plan.”

The two Citroen Junior Team crews each spent a day testing in the south of France in order to prepare for the penultimate round of the season. Sebastien Ogier reported : “The roads were damp. It wasn’t ideal for us to work on the set-up but it was really important to get the kilometres in for both myself and Kimi, who was asking me a lot of questions so that we could compare our impressions.”

“We’ll start second on the road for day one so we’ll certainly suffer a bit with road-sweeping,” continued Sebastien. “We’ll just need to stay in touch and not lose too much time compared to the drivers who are starting behind us. This first mixed day could well play an absolutely crucial role in the final classification. My objective is to finish runner-up in the World Championship and so I need a good result in Spain.”

“It’s another step into the unknown,” added Kimi. “I don’t really know if our start position will be a help or a disadvantage. On the gravel, we will maybe have a clean line to help us but the asphalt sections might be very dirty. It will be vital for us to come out of the first day without making any mistakes so that we are in a good position for the rest of the rally.”

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Three questions to… Kimi Räikkönen




Three questions to… Kimi Räikkönen
Let’s go back to the Rallye de France-Alsace. Why did you call it a day on Saturday night?
“We start each rally with the aim of learning and taking away as much experience as we can. In Alsace, I learned a lot once more. I felt comfortable in the quick parts but I struggled in some of the slower corners. There was so much mud on the road that it hardly looked like an asphalt rally any more. It was a useful experience, but there was no point in continuing like that under these conditions. I wouldn’t have learned anything more on the final day. The best decision was to save the car for the Rally of Spain.”

Have you got any particular ambitions for Spain?
“Since the start of the season I’ve heard that this rally would be the one that suits my driving style most.The stages are quick and quite wide. It’s the place where rallying comes closest to racing, so the drivers all have to concentrate hard on their lines. However, it’s also a rally that everyone knows very well. Obviously I’m going to have quite a disadvantage in terms of experience. My objective is to be as close as I can to the top six, maybe a bit closer than I was at the start of the rally in France.”

The first day of the rally will take place on both gravel and asphalt. Are you worried about these surface changes?
“I’m learning all the rallies this season and each event has its own individual characteristics. On the recce, I come across new things all the time that I just have to get used to. Part of the game is to know how to deal with all these different things. On the World Championship you go from gravel to asphalt and asphalt to gravel several times over the course of a season. This time, it will all happen in the space of the same stage. So let’s just see what happens on Friday.”

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