
Tricky season, but great fun




Well, the rally season 2010 is over. It was a tough year. Trying to learn the WRC car and eleven completely new rallies during the season was a huge challenge for a rookie like me. But it was a great fun, too.

I liked the new experience very much, indeed. It was as difficult as we could expect, but I have all but negative feelings going though it.

It was a season full of ups and downs. There were some good times, there were some bad times. But that’s how it usually goes in the world of motor sports. Obviously, there were some people expecting us to make miracles after a couple of first rallies. But, in the end of the day, there was no reason to wait for more from this rookie season of mine.

We finished the last rally in Wales. It feels good every time you finish a race. The Rally of Britain was a truly challenging one. We’ve got storm, rain, ice-slippery roads, no sight ahead from time to time. It was an adventure and to finish it with some points was a nice finish for this WRC season.

It was also the end of an era for these WRC cars. They are really great cars and it was a privilege to have a season with them, too.

Obviously, the season offered many different kind of rally roads. The tarmac doesn’t mean tarmac like it is in Formula One. It’s only semi-tarmac every time, while there is so much gravel and dirt on the road. Coming in as from circuit racing the only real asphalts were those short show stages in the cities.

The RedBull Citroen WRC team keeps winning the championships. They are true professionals in and out. You have to give the highest note for them every time for their effort.

Now it’s time for a break. I chill out with friends and my family like I usually do in this time of the year. I’ll keep training and keep having fun in motor racing. The Christmas time is coming and I plan to spend that peaceful period at home, like always.

For the next year we continue talking to people. When we have something signed and sealed, we tell you.
Thank you all fans for the support and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The race goes on 2011.

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Kimi’s end of year report

キミの「今年の思い出」の中に「ショッピングモールでカート@日本」があああああああああ!!! うれしい…(泣)

Kimi’s end of year report

Q: キミ、今年はどんな年だった?
KR: 思っていた通りだったよ。いいことも悪いこともあったし、全体的には学習することがたくさんあって本当にタフだった。いくつかの点では、僕がレーシングを始めた一番最初の年を思い出す。ちょっと似たような感覚だった。

Q: 年間で最も気に入ったラリーは?
KR: タフなやつ、ものすごくタフなやつ、みんな違うラリーだった。でも僕はブルガリアが好きだった。すぐにトップ4に入れたし、フロントの近くで戦えて嬉しかった。そうできるとは実際思っていなかったから。GBもいいラリーだった。結果はそんなによくなかったけど、ステージがよかった。

Q: シェイクダウンでクラッシュしたラリースペインは、年間で最大の失望だった?
KR: イエス。でも、もうこれ以上考えても意味がないから、事故が起こって以来それについてはそんなに考えてないけど。もう終わったことで、過去のことだ。何ができたか考えるのは意味がない。これは僕がいつも、things(事故とかミスによるリタイア)に対処する方法だ。僕はいまこれを変えるつもりはない。

Q: 来年F1に戻ることを考えたことは?
KR: もちろん、考えたよ。(来年のことを考えるときは)全て(の可能性)について考える。でも僕は本当に真剣には考えなかった。このシーズン通じて、F1が恋しくはならなかったから。今年のシーズンがスタートする前、僕がF1を全く見なかったら面白いだろうなと思った。実際僕はそうしなかった。

Q: それは、来年もラリーにいるということ?
KR: 僕はそうしようかなってことだけど、当面、確実な契約はない。

Q: ただクルマをドライブするということを除いて、一番記憶に残るだろう瞬間は?
KR: 僕達のチームが忘れないだろうなと僕が思うたくさんのことがあった。ヨルダンでは砂にまみれて、はじめてのポイントフィニッシュをした。トルコでは火山灰のトラブルがあって、僕達のチームは、コーチ(バス)で3日かけてフランスに帰らなければならなかった。日本ではショッピングモールでカートをドライブした。それからポルトガル、Faroでロードショーをした。そこでは、前の週に法王がやってきた時と同じくらいの数の人が集まった。おもしろかった思い出がたくさんあるよ。

Q: 今年、ドライバーとして進化しましたか?
KR: もちろん。ラリーはF1よりもっと難しいよ、僕にとっては。僕達が今年走ってきた道をドライブできる人は、その人はどこだってドライブできるよ。

そしてキミがレラのこと挙げてくれてたからいいや。あのイベント本当に楽しかったです。関係各位には本当に御礼を申し上げたい、具体的に誰に言えばいいのかわからないけど、北海道転勤してから、こういうイベント行けるって全然思ってなかったから…! レッドブルさんシトロエンさんレラさんけんさわさんJスポーツさん?ありがとうありがとう!

Kimi’s end of year report
At the end of his first season of World Championship rallying with Red Bull, we caught up with Kimi Räikkönen to find out his best memories. There are lots of things that will stick in his mind forever from this year – including sand, public transport, shopping centres and the Pope. Eclectic enough for you? Then read on…

Kimi, how has this year been for you?
On balance, it’s been pretty much as I expected. There have been good bits and bad bits, and on the whole it’s been really tough with a lot of learning. In some ways it reminds me of the very first years when I was starting out in racing: it was a little bit the same feeling.

‘I thought it would be interesting to see if I missed F1 at all and in fact I didn’t’

What was your favourite rally of the year?
That’s a tough one, a really tough one as all the rallies were so different. But actually I liked Bulgaria as straight away we were in the top four there and it was nice to fight closer to the front, which is not something that we were really expecting to do. Britain was a good rally too: not so much for the result but for the stages.

Was the Rally of Spain, where you crashed in the shakedown, the biggest disappointment of the year?
Yes I suppose so, but actually it’s not something that I’ve really thought about much since it happened because there’s no point. It’s over, it’s history and there’s no point in imagining what might have been. That’s how I’ve always dealt with things and I’m not going to change now.

Did you ever think about going back to Formula One next year?
Of course I thought about it, because you think about everything. But I never really thought seriously about it, because actually I didn’t miss Formula One at all this season. Before the start of this year I thought it would be interesting to see if I missed it at all and in fact I didn’t.

So does that mean that you are staying in rallying next year?
It means that I’d like to. But for the moment we haven’t got a deal sorted.

What are the moments you are going to remember most, apart from just driving the car?
There were lots of things that happened that I think everyone in our team will remember. In Jordan we scored our first points and ended up covered in sand. In Turkey, there was the problem with the ash cloud and all our team had to go home to France by coach for three days. We drove a go-kart in a shopping mall in Japan; then in Portugal we did this road show in Faro, where we had almost the same number of people that had come to see the Pope the week before. So there are lots of funny memories.

Have you improved as a driver this year?
For sure. Rallying is a lot harder than F1: certainly for me. If you can drive on some of the roads we did this year, you can drive anywhere…

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SalouのPort Aventuraテーマパークをベースとするラリー・エスパーニャは、WRCの中でもコンパクトなイベントとして知られている。しかし今年、前F1チャンピオンのレッドブルドライバー、キミ・ライコネンにとって、ラリーは特に短いものになった。フライングフィンは準備段階で行き過ぎ(went flying)、WRCの最後から2つめのラウンドで、シェイクダウンで車にダメージを負わせてしまった。衝撃は巨大ではなかったが、彼のC4 WRCのロールケージの損傷は続行するにはあまりにひどすぎた。今年のラリーエスパーニャはグラベルとアスファルトで初めて行われ、シェイクダウンステージは両方を含んでいた。キミは1つめのランを完了したが、セカンドランの途中、グラベルが終わりアスファルトが始まるところで、左手のコーナーのバンクヒットしてしまった。衝撃で彼のクルマはひっくり返り、転がった。コドライバー、カイ・リンドストロームのシートの真上のロールケージは損傷を受けた。これが、キミのクルマがラリーをスタートできなかった安全上の理由を意味する。

キミ・ライコネン: 時々起こることだけど、ただ、ばかだった。バンクに接触して、クルマはロールした。それだけだ。ラッキーだったなら避けられた類のことだ。でも今回は、カイの側のロールケージにダメージがあった。僕達はリスタートできない、これで(ラリーは)終わりだ。僕達に合っているラリーだと思っていたから残念だけど、今となっては僕達はそれを確かめることもできない。とてもがっかりしているけど、この失望も時にはゲームの一部だって分かる程度には十分長くモータースポーツをやっている。(そういう風に思うことが)こういうことに対処する方法だ。今は、次のイベントをただ楽しみにするだけだ。そして将来のことに集中するつもりだ。いつも、今まで(の過去)よりもっと面白くなるんだ。


カイ・リンドストローム: 残念だが、私達は何も変えられない。他のドライバーと短いテストを行ったこともあるが、これまでにこんなに早くラリーを終えたことはなかったよ。このスポーツではあらゆるものを予測し、あらゆるものから学ばなければならない。私とキミは、自分達に起こったことを受け入れた。私はキミを分かっているが、これはただキミを奮い立たせるだろう。私達はいまここを去るが、ラリーGBで力強く戻ってくるよ。

The Rally de Espana is well-known for being a compact event of the World Rally Championship, based on stages around the Port Aventura theme park in Salou.
But this year, the rally will be particularly short for former Grand Prix Champion and Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen. The flying Finn went flying a bit too early in proceedings, and damaged his car in the shakedown to the penultimate round of the World Rally Championship. The impact wasn’t a huge one, but it damaged his Citroen C4 WRC’s roll cage too badly for him to continue.
This year’s Rally de Espana is being run for the first time on both gravel and asphalt surfaces, and the shakedown stage contained a bit of both. Kimi completed one run successfully, but clipped a bank on a left-hand corner halfway through the second run, just after the gravel finished and the asphalt began. The impact tipped his car over, and it rolled. The roll cage just above co-driver Kaj Lindstrom’s seat was damaged, which meant that for safety reasons Kimi’s car was not able to start the rally.

“It was just one of those stupid things that happens sometimes: I just touched the bank and the car rolled,” said the Iceman. “It’s the sort of thing that if you’re lucky you get away with it, but on this occasion there was something that damaged the roll cage on Kaj’s side of the car. We can’t restart so that’s the end of that. It’s a pity as I think it was a rally that might have suited us but now we’ll never know. I’m obviously disappointed, but I’ve been around motorsport for long enough to know that disappointments are part of the game sometimes; it’s how you deal with them that matters. Now I’m just looking forward to our next event and I’m going to concentrate on the future. That’s always more interesting than the past.”

The Rally de Espana has often been described as the closest that the World Rally Championship comes to circuit racing, but Kimi will be watching it on television this year as he is now heading straight home to Switzerland.

Kaj Lindstrom is also resigned to being a spectator, but he is always able to look on the bright side of any situation. “It’s a pity, but this doesn’t really change anything for us,” Kaj said. “I’ve never had a rally finish this soon before, although I’ve had some pretty short tests with some other drivers! You have to expect anything and learn from everything in this sport, so myself and Kimi have already put what happened behind us. I know Kimi and this will just make him more determined. We’re going to go away now, but we’ll come back strongly for Rally Great Britain: I’m absolutely sure of this.”

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Rally de Portugal Review – One point and lots of happening

キミってサッカーそんな好きだったっけ? W杯は別なのかなー。イタリアのラリーに出た後はブルガリアまで、スポーツ観戦三昧みたいですー。

One point and lots of happening
今度はイタリアのLanterna Rallyに向かう。次のWRCラリー、7月のブルガリアの前にターマックでトレーニングすることになったんだ。

One point and lots of happening
It was exactly how we expected it would to be: The Rally of Portugal was as tricky as the Rally of Jordan. We got the right information. I guess, these two are the most difficult rallies in the calender.

We finished the rally in Jordan and we managed to finish the rally in Portugal as well. Now we got some points from three successive races. It’s ok result, but, obviously, it could have been a little bit better in Portugal.

We had P8 in our hands, but then we had a few problems, lost a lot of time and finally we were happy just to finish the rally on Sunday. The puncture on Sunday morning was an annoying experience, but shit happens. It’s a part of motor racing and it happens to all of us sometimes.

Right in the beginning we lost time, while we went out of the road and had to push the car back using the reverse. Then on Sunday morning the feeling in the car was better and better, I cut a corner too fast and we had a big moment on two wheels. Well, we were lucky, it didn’t roll over and it came back. After that it was just a question to bring car home.

It was like in every rally that the surface changes radically, while you do the stage for a second time. Obviously, it was very difficult route all the way long and the changes, they were even bigger compared to other places.

The gap to the top guys is huge, but there is nothing surprising in that. We have known since the very beginning of this season, that the front runners are very, very quick. You have to have a lot of confidence in your car and a lot of kilometres in rally to match with them.

Now there is a new winner in WRC rally. Ogier is a really strong rally driver and deserved his first victory after coming so close already in New Zealand. Obviously, I remember well how nice feeling I’ve got after winning my first Formula One Grand Prix in Malaysia back in 2003. It’s always a special thing for a racing driver.

Now we head for the Lanterna Rally in Italy. We got an opportunity to have some training on tarmac before the next WRC rally in Bulgaria in July.

After that I will keenly watch the football world cup and some other sports, while we have some weeks to chill out.

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WRC Turkey Review


WRC Turkey Review (www.kimiraikkonen.com)

再度、僕達はシンプルなターゲットを確認したんだ。フィニッシュ、フィニッシュ、フィニッシュ -僕達にぴったり(※FinishとFinnish)。ラリーをフィニッシュしようと奮闘して、素晴らしいリザルトを獲得した。



※League of their ownという映画があります、どっちのことかな。






続きを読む WRC Turkey Review

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WRC Pirelli driver blog – Kimi Raikkonen blog 3

This ice man doesn’t melt… ライコさんごきげん!
Blog three: Wednesday 7 April. 0900hrs.
だけど実は、これが僕が想像した通りなんだ。セバスチャン・ロウブみたいな人がF1に来てもすぐフロントを争うなんて期待しないように、僕も参加してすぐにトップを争えるとは思っていなかった。ほとんどのドライバーは自然とじれったく思う – 今すぐ全てを手に入れたいって。でも、何かを最初からスタートする時、その衝動をコントロールしなければならないんだ。

最後に ;) ってついてるふいんき!!
続きを読む WRC Pirelli driver blog – Kimi Raikkonen blog 3

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The Arctic Rally Review

exclusive video and kimi column to be published tomorrow(日本時間たぶん今日).

Kimi Raikkonen: “Things didn’t exactly get off to the best start as we went off the road during the second stage. But luckily there was no mechanical damage and I was able to continue in the rally. From there it got a lot better for me and we were much more consistent. We put a few more kilometres under our belt, which was vital to help us continue learning the C4 WRC. As well as being pleased by our performances I was also pleased by the way we were able to work with the team. We developed our set-up in the right direction and now we are going to continue our work in order to arrive in Sweden in the strongest possible position.”
Benoit Nogier(Citroen Racing Technologies team manager):“This practice event allowed the team to make more progress in preparation for the Rally Sweden. Dani drove exactly the sort of rally that we expected from him. He was fast and consistent, growing in confidence on the surface that comes least naturally to him. As for Kimi, he was quickly able to put his mishap at the start of the rally behind him and get to the end of a complex event, whilst improving at the same pace as Dani.”

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