



Wish you happy holidays! Fumi, xoxo

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Tricky season, but great fun




Well, the rally season 2010 is over. It was a tough year. Trying to learn the WRC car and eleven completely new rallies during the season was a huge challenge for a rookie like me. But it was a great fun, too.

I liked the new experience very much, indeed. It was as difficult as we could expect, but I have all but negative feelings going though it.

It was a season full of ups and downs. There were some good times, there were some bad times. But that’s how it usually goes in the world of motor sports. Obviously, there were some people expecting us to make miracles after a couple of first rallies. But, in the end of the day, there was no reason to wait for more from this rookie season of mine.

We finished the last rally in Wales. It feels good every time you finish a race. The Rally of Britain was a truly challenging one. We’ve got storm, rain, ice-slippery roads, no sight ahead from time to time. It was an adventure and to finish it with some points was a nice finish for this WRC season.

It was also the end of an era for these WRC cars. They are really great cars and it was a privilege to have a season with them, too.

Obviously, the season offered many different kind of rally roads. The tarmac doesn’t mean tarmac like it is in Formula One. It’s only semi-tarmac every time, while there is so much gravel and dirt on the road. Coming in as from circuit racing the only real asphalts were those short show stages in the cities.

The RedBull Citroen WRC team keeps winning the championships. They are true professionals in and out. You have to give the highest note for them every time for their effort.

Now it’s time for a break. I chill out with friends and my family like I usually do in this time of the year. I’ll keep training and keep having fun in motor racing. The Christmas time is coming and I plan to spend that peaceful period at home, like always.

For the next year we continue talking to people. When we have something signed and sealed, we tell you.
Thank you all fans for the support and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The race goes on 2011.

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Kimi’s end of year report

キミの「今年の思い出」の中に「ショッピングモールでカート@日本」があああああああああ!!! うれしい…(泣)

Kimi’s end of year report

Q: キミ、今年はどんな年だった?
KR: 思っていた通りだったよ。いいことも悪いこともあったし、全体的には学習することがたくさんあって本当にタフだった。いくつかの点では、僕がレーシングを始めた一番最初の年を思い出す。ちょっと似たような感覚だった。

Q: 年間で最も気に入ったラリーは?
KR: タフなやつ、ものすごくタフなやつ、みんな違うラリーだった。でも僕はブルガリアが好きだった。すぐにトップ4に入れたし、フロントの近くで戦えて嬉しかった。そうできるとは実際思っていなかったから。GBもいいラリーだった。結果はそんなによくなかったけど、ステージがよかった。

Q: シェイクダウンでクラッシュしたラリースペインは、年間で最大の失望だった?
KR: イエス。でも、もうこれ以上考えても意味がないから、事故が起こって以来それについてはそんなに考えてないけど。もう終わったことで、過去のことだ。何ができたか考えるのは意味がない。これは僕がいつも、things(事故とかミスによるリタイア)に対処する方法だ。僕はいまこれを変えるつもりはない。

Q: 来年F1に戻ることを考えたことは?
KR: もちろん、考えたよ。(来年のことを考えるときは)全て(の可能性)について考える。でも僕は本当に真剣には考えなかった。このシーズン通じて、F1が恋しくはならなかったから。今年のシーズンがスタートする前、僕がF1を全く見なかったら面白いだろうなと思った。実際僕はそうしなかった。

Q: それは、来年もラリーにいるということ?
KR: 僕はそうしようかなってことだけど、当面、確実な契約はない。

Q: ただクルマをドライブするということを除いて、一番記憶に残るだろう瞬間は?
KR: 僕達のチームが忘れないだろうなと僕が思うたくさんのことがあった。ヨルダンでは砂にまみれて、はじめてのポイントフィニッシュをした。トルコでは火山灰のトラブルがあって、僕達のチームは、コーチ(バス)で3日かけてフランスに帰らなければならなかった。日本ではショッピングモールでカートをドライブした。それからポルトガル、Faroでロードショーをした。そこでは、前の週に法王がやってきた時と同じくらいの数の人が集まった。おもしろかった思い出がたくさんあるよ。

Q: 今年、ドライバーとして進化しましたか?
KR: もちろん。ラリーはF1よりもっと難しいよ、僕にとっては。僕達が今年走ってきた道をドライブできる人は、その人はどこだってドライブできるよ。

そしてキミがレラのこと挙げてくれてたからいいや。あのイベント本当に楽しかったです。関係各位には本当に御礼を申し上げたい、具体的に誰に言えばいいのかわからないけど、北海道転勤してから、こういうイベント行けるって全然思ってなかったから…! レッドブルさんシトロエンさんレラさんけんさわさんJスポーツさん?ありがとうありがとう!

Kimi’s end of year report
At the end of his first season of World Championship rallying with Red Bull, we caught up with Kimi Räikkönen to find out his best memories. There are lots of things that will stick in his mind forever from this year – including sand, public transport, shopping centres and the Pope. Eclectic enough for you? Then read on…

Kimi, how has this year been for you?
On balance, it’s been pretty much as I expected. There have been good bits and bad bits, and on the whole it’s been really tough with a lot of learning. In some ways it reminds me of the very first years when I was starting out in racing: it was a little bit the same feeling.

‘I thought it would be interesting to see if I missed F1 at all and in fact I didn’t’

What was your favourite rally of the year?
That’s a tough one, a really tough one as all the rallies were so different. But actually I liked Bulgaria as straight away we were in the top four there and it was nice to fight closer to the front, which is not something that we were really expecting to do. Britain was a good rally too: not so much for the result but for the stages.

Was the Rally of Spain, where you crashed in the shakedown, the biggest disappointment of the year?
Yes I suppose so, but actually it’s not something that I’ve really thought about much since it happened because there’s no point. It’s over, it’s history and there’s no point in imagining what might have been. That’s how I’ve always dealt with things and I’m not going to change now.

Did you ever think about going back to Formula One next year?
Of course I thought about it, because you think about everything. But I never really thought seriously about it, because actually I didn’t miss Formula One at all this season. Before the start of this year I thought it would be interesting to see if I missed it at all and in fact I didn’t.

So does that mean that you are staying in rallying next year?
It means that I’d like to. But for the moment we haven’t got a deal sorted.

What are the moments you are going to remember most, apart from just driving the car?
There were lots of things that happened that I think everyone in our team will remember. In Jordan we scored our first points and ended up covered in sand. In Turkey, there was the problem with the ash cloud and all our team had to go home to France by coach for three days. We drove a go-kart in a shopping mall in Japan; then in Portugal we did this road show in Faro, where we had almost the same number of people that had come to see the Pope the week before. So there are lots of funny memories.

Have you improved as a driver this year?
For sure. Rallying is a lot harder than F1: certainly for me. If you can drive on some of the roads we did this year, you can drive anywhere…

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11のラリー出場、5回のポイントフィニッシュ、25点獲得、ドライバーチャンピオンシップで10位。これが彼のデビューシーズン、キミ・ライコネンの2010年、注目に値するWRCの旅の終わりである。2007年のF1チャンピオンはこの1年で、シトロエンC4 WRCの傑出した歴史の中で5番目の得点者になった。C4 WRCは、この4シーズンで600以上のステージ最速タイムを獲得した。そのうちのひとつは、8月のラリードイツでキミが記録したものである。キミはラリーの歴史を作った。WRCでポイントを獲得し、ステージ最速タイムを記録した初めてのF1チャンピオンになったのだ。今年このフィンランド人は、フランスでの伝統的なイベントで初めてのラリー優勝を飾り、メキシコからブルガリアまで新しい国々を訪問した。これは、モータースポーツ界の想像を超えた驚くべき物語であった。キミは、何にも悩まされないアイスマンとして知られている。彼はクルマをドライブする際、恐れを知らないことで有名であるが、レッドブルにより、彼のキャリアで最も大きな賭けをした。F1からラリーへ、フルタイムでスイッチした者は誰もいなかったし、誰でもアイスマンのようであるというわけではない。学習曲線はほとんど垂直であるかのように急だった。ラリーGBは、雨、風、泥、霧と、Carmenと呼ばれる小さなサイクロン-北ヨーロッパを横断した悪天候のおかげで、シーズンで最も複雑なイベントのうちのひとつだった。それにもかかわらず、キミは20のグラベルステージ、359kmを、ひとつの重大なミスも犯さずに、得点圏内の8位でフィニッシュした。

キミ・ライコネン: すごくいいラリーだった。WRCの最初のシーズンをポイントフィニッシュで終えられてうれしい。これは確かに、僕のキャリアの中で最もチャレンジングな年だった。グリップが常に変化するGBは、僕が参加した中で最も難しいラリーのうちのひとつだった。コースは本当にスリッピーだったけど、どのくらいスリッピーなのか正確に把握しようとするのが常に問題だった。他の全てのことのように。これは僕にとって完全に新しい経験だった。振り返ってみると、このシーズンは僕が思っていたよりも異なっていた。いくつかミスをしたけれど、たくさん学習することもできた。ウェールズのステージはとても素晴らしい。だけど、いつも通り、ここで本当に速く走るためには経験が必要だ。一般的に言えば、このラリーで僕達がみせた進歩には満足しているし、僕自身もとても楽しんだ。今年、僕達が楽しんだ機会を与えてくれたレッドブルとシトロエンレーシングには本当に感謝している。


カイ・リンドストローム: 彼らは確かに、同じ度胸とナチュラルなスピードを持っている。経験が非常に少ない者として、キミは彼のペースで全てを行い、グラベルとアスファルトで大きな進化を見せた。ペースノートについても同様だ。彼がどれほどの改善をしたかは明白であり、まだ引き出せるものがたくさんある。このイベントでキミは全くミスをせず非常に印象的だった。シーズンの終わり方として素晴らしかったよ。

So this is where the remarkable WRC journey ends for Kimi Raikkonen in 2010, after 11 rallies contested and five points finishes, making a total of 25 points and 10th in the drivers’ championship at the end of his debut season.
In just one year, the 2007 Formula One World Champion has become the fifth most prolific points-scorer in the illustrious history of the Citroen C4 WRC: a car that has claimed more than 600 fastest stage times throughout its four seasons of competition, one of which was set by Kimi on the Rallye Deutschland in August.
Kimi has made a bit of rally history, becoming the only Formula 1 World Champion to score World Rally Championship points or set a fastest stage time. This year, the Finn also took his very first rally win, at a national event in France, and visited new countries that ranged from Mexico to Bulgaria. It’s been an incredible story that has captured the imagination of the entire motorsport world.
Kimi is known as the Iceman because nothing bothers him: especially not a brand new challenge that would send most people running for cover. He is well known for being fearless in the car but he is just as determined out of it, having taken on the biggest bet of his career thanks to Red Bull. Nobody has ever tried to switch full-time from Formula One to rally before, but there and again not everybody is like the Iceman….
The learning curve has been so steep that it is practically vertical, and Rally Great Britain was one of the most complicated events of the year thanks to rain, wind, mud, fog and even a small cyclone called Carmen: a bad weather front that has swept across northern Europe.
Nonetheless, Kimi did not make a single serious mistake on any of the 20 gravel stages and 359 competitive kilometres, to eventually finish in a points-scoring eighth.

“It’s been a really good rally and it’s nice to end my first season in the World Rally Championship with a points finish,” he said. “This has definitely been the most challenging year of my career and Britain was one of the most difficult rallies that I competed on, mostly because of the grip changing all the time. The roads were really slippery, but it’s always been a question of trying to work out exactly how slippery they are. Like everything else, this has been a completely new experience for me. Looking back on it, this season has been more or less as I expected it to be: we’ve made a few mistakes but we’ve also learned a lot. The stages in Wales are really nice, but as always you need experience to be really quick on them. Generally speaking I’m happy with the progress we’ve made on this rally and I’ve had a lot of fun as well, so I’m very grateful to Red Bull and Citroen Racing for all the opportunities that we’ve enjoyed this year.”

A key part of Raikkonen’s swift adaptation to a completely new discipline has been his co-driver Kaj Lindstrom, a former winner of the Monte Carlo Rally, who has been alongside the Iceman since Kimi first started rallying for fun last year.
Before then, Lindstrom sat alongside four-time World Rally Champion Tommi Makinen and he sees a lot in common between the two Finnish legends.

“They certainly have the same determination and natural speed,” said Lindstrom. “For somebody with so little experience, Kimi has taken everything in his stride and made a lot of progress on both gravel and asphalt, as well as with the pace notes. It’s clear how much he has improved and there’s plenty more still to come. On this event Kimi has been really impressive with no mistakes at all, so it’s been a great way to finish the season.”

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キミ・ライコネンはF1で18勝を挙げ、ワールドチャンピオンになったかもしれないが、このレッドブルドライバーが成し得ていないことのひとつは、世界中で1億枚のレコードを売ることだ。ラリーGBの2日目のルートは、伝説のcrooner(= 低い声で感傷的に歌う流行歌手)トム・ジョーンズの故郷であるPontypriddの近くを走る。キミがたくさんの有名人を知っているというのは事実である。エルビス・プレスリーの個人的な友人であったことや、ディーン・マーティンが以前所有していた家に住んだことはないけれども。トム・ジョーンズはこれら全てのことをした。世界中で24番目に成功したアーティストだった。プリンス、ビーチボーイズ、ボブ・ディラン、ティナ・ターナーより前に。よってキミは、今週末のウェールズで最もビッグなスーパースターでないことを諦めるが、その代わりに彼のゴールは、シーズンで最もトリッキーで特殊なイベントのひとつであるラリーをしっかりとフィニッシュすることである。まさしく初めから、アイスマンはトップ10に入っていた。今日彼は新たに確実な走りをして、2つポジションを挙げ、二日目を8番手で終えた。ラリーGBは、グリップがスリッピー/存在しないの交代を繰り返す、非常に矛盾したグラベルステージで構成される。問題をさらに複雑にしたのは、今日のステージでアスファルトの区間があったことだ。これはすぐにスケートリンクに変わった。懸命に、レッドブルドライバーは、気楽にいくこと、明日のラリーの終わりに得点することに集中することに決めた。そして、一日中リスクを避けた。

キミ・ライコネン: 難しいものになるだろうと分かっていてこのラリーに来た。だけど実際には、こんなに難しいとは思っていなかった。もう少しいい考えを期待していたのから、あまり驚いていないけど、昨日と同じくらいトリッキーだった。アスファルトをグラベルタイヤで走っている時は、グリップが本当に全くなかった。だけど他の場所では、考えていたよりもグリップがあった。ここでうまくやるためには、多くの経験が必要だ。それが、僕達が自分自身のペースでドライブしていて、リスクをとらなかった理由だ。僕は楽しんだけどね。いつも、より多くのことを学習している。ステージは本当に素晴らしいけど、予測するのは難しい。ここの天気みたいにね!


カイ・リンドストローム: 彼の経験のレベルを考えれば、ここではゼロだし、キミは非常に賢明な方法でステージにアプローチした。スタートの前に、イベントの終わりにポイントフィニッシュしたいと私達は言ったが、ここまで私達はリタイアしていない。もちろん、明日のステージはおそらく今日のものよりもより難しいので、当然のこととして私達が何もすることはできないが、ここまで私達は適切な道の上にいる。大切なことだ。

Kimi Raikkonen may have won 18 Grands Prix and a Formula One World Championship, but one thing that the Red Bull driver hasn’t done yet is sell 100 million records worldwide. The route during day two of the Rally Great Britain ran close to Pontypridd, the hometown of legendary Welsh crooner Tom Jones.
It’s true that Kimi knows a lot of famous people. He’s never been a close personal friend of Elvis Presley’s though, and neither has he ever lived in a house formerly owned by Dean Martin. Tom Jones has done all these things, being the 24th most successful artist in the world – ahead of Prince, the Beach Boys, Bob Dylan and Tina Turner.
So Kimi is definitely resigned to not being the biggest superstar in Wales this weekend. Instead, his goal is firmly to get to the finish of one of the most tricky and specialised events of the year. From the very beginning, the Iceman has been in the top 10, and today he did another solid job to make up two more places and end the second day in eighth.
Rally Great Britain is made up of gravel stages that are extremely inconsistent, with the grip alternating between slippery and non-existent. To make matters even more complicated, there were several sections of asphalt on today’s stages, which soon turned into a skating rink.
Sensibly the Red Bull driver decided to take it easy and concentrate on scoring points at the end of the rally tomorrow, having steered clear of risks all day.

“I came into this rally knowing that it was going to be difficult, but I never actually thought that it would be this difficult,” said Kimi. “I suppose today I had a slightly better idea of what to expect so it was less surprising but still just as tricky as yesterday. When we are driving on asphalt with gravel tyres there’s really no grip at all. But in other places, there is more grip than you think. To do well here you need a lot of experience, which is why we are just driving at our own pace and not taking any risks. I’m enjoying myself though and learning more all the time. The stages are really nice but hard to predict – a bit like the weather here!”

Kimi’s co-driver Kaj Lindstrom knows all about the weather in Wales, having finished on the podium of the Rally Great Britain in the past. There won’t be a podium this time, but Kaj was still impressed. “Considering his level of experience, which is zero here, Kimi approached the stages in a very sensible way. We said before the start that we wanted to get to the end of the event in the points and so far we are on track. Of course we can’t take anything for granted because tomorrow’s stages are probably even more difficult than today’s. But so far, we’re on the right road and that is the main thing.”

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Kimi launches racing games!!



Kimi Räikkönen launching branded games with 24MAS

キミ・ライコネン: 24MASはモバイル広告セクターのリーディングカンパニーだと考えている。この会社と関係を持つことができて満足している。24MASのマネジメントを知り、彼らが今まで開発してきたものにとても感銘を受けた。自分のゲームが世界中に配布されるのを見ることを楽しみにしている。僕はいつも新しいテクノロジーやガジェットに興味をもっているから、僕のファンに、僕が関わったゲームをプレイできる機会をオファーできることはとても素晴らしいと思う。

ゲームの開発は2010年11月にスタートし、ラウンチスケジュールは2011年3月の予定だ。最初のチャンネルはモバイルゲームである。ゲームは、既存のメディアパートナー、モバイルオペレーターパートナーを通じてグローバルに配信される。我々は世界中にモバイルオペレータおよびメディアパートナーと強力なパートナーシップをもっており、これは大規模なマーケットにゲームを提供するにあたって非常に有利である。我々のラウンチプランは非常に広範囲であり、プロモーション活動のために巨大なメディアパートナーを利用する予定だ。我々が予定しているこのやり方は、ゲームのラウンチとしては全くもって新しい方法である。24 Mobile Advertising SolutionsのCEO、Tero Turunenは、これは非常に興味深いケースになるだろうと語っている。

facebookとPCはもちろんモバイルが気になりますね! 私はブラックベリーなのですがどうかなぁー。3月はfacebookにオンラインしっぱなしになりそう。

Kimi Räikkönen launching branded games with 24MAS
24MAS and Kimi Räikkönen have entered into a partnership where Kimi becomes a major investor in 24MAS. 24MAS will develop and publish games using Kimi Räikkönen’s name. There will be a mobile game, a downloadable PC game and a Facebook application.

Kimi Räikkönen is a F1 World Champion from Finland. Driving for Ferrari he became the third Nordic driver ever to win a F1 World Drivers’ Championship in 2007. Together with 24MAS three interactive racing games will be launched where fans can take on the roll of Räikkönen behind the wheel.

– I see 24MAS as one of the leading companies in the mobile advertising sector and I am happy to be associated with the company. I know the management at 24MAS and I am very impressed of what they have developed so far. I am looking forward to see my games distributed all over the world and I have always been interested in new technologies and gadgets so it will be nice to be able to offer my fans possibility to play games under my influence, says Kimi Räikkönen, 2007 F1 World Champion.

The development of the games is starting in November 2010 and the launch is scheduled for March 2011; with mobile game as the first channel to go live. The games will be distributed globally through existing media partnerships and via the mobile operator partners.

We have strong partnerships with mobile operators and media partners worldwide and this gives us a very lucrative position to be able to distribute the games for a mass market. Our launch plan is rather extensive, using large media partners for the promotional activities. The way we will do it is a totally new way of launching a game. It will be very interesting case, says Tero Turunen, CEO, 24 Mobile Advertising Solutions.

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キミ・ライコネン: ラリーはフィンランドの国技のようなものなんだ。僕は子供の頃から見ていて、フロントで争う何人ものビッグネーム達を見ながら育った。だからラリーにはいつも挑戦してみたかった。これ(参戦の決定)は突然決めたことではなかったんだ。去年の末にそのチャンスはやってきて、僕はすごく喜んでこれを受けた。僕達のシーズンは完全に計画通りにはいってないけれど、これは予想していたことだ。何か新しいことを学習しているときには、完全に普通のことだよ。だけど僕はこれをとても楽しんでいる。このレベルで戦えるようなチャンスを得られる人は多くないし、今年学習してきた全てのレッスンを使ってみたい。ラリーGBはとてもトリッキーになるということは分かっている。グリップは常に変化すると聞いているし、天気が悪くなるだろうことは知っているから。だけど、限界まで自分自身をプッシュすることでより多くを学べるんだ。すごく楽しみにしているよ。

Kimi Raikkonen, backed by Red Bull on the World Rally Championship this year, was exactly one month and four days old when the legendary Hannu Mikkola won what was then called the RAC Rally in 1979: a four-day marathon up and down the length of Great Britain in wet and wintry conditions, featuring 56 special stages and 687 competitive kilometres.

Kimi won’t have noticed the first time that the Rally Great Britain came into his life as he could not even walk, let alone drive. But several years later this fact would go on to have an immense significance, as Mikkola is one of the many Finnish rally heroes who inspired Kimi to go beyond his comfort zone and step inside a rally car.

Mikkola was one of the flying Finns who made the specialised forests of Great Britain their own, along with Henri Toivonen, Markku Alen, Tommi Makinen and Marcus Gronholm; to name just a few examples. In fact, a Finn has won in Great Britain 21 times in the 65-year history of the event.

In his first year of the World Rally Championship Kimi certainly won’t be challenging for victory in Wales, but nonetheless all these icons of the sport have made their mark on the 2007 Formula 1 World Champion.

“Rallying is like a national sport in Finland: since I was a kid I followed it and I grew up with all these big names who were right at the front,” he said. “So rallying is something that I always wanted to try: it was not at all a sudden decision. At the end of last year the opportunity came up so I was very happy to take it. Our season has not gone entirely according to plan, but this is actually what I expected: it’s completely normal when you are learning something so new. But I’ve really enjoyed it. Not so many people get the chance to compete at this level and I want to use all the lessons I have learned this year. I’m sure that Rally Great Britain is going to be a very tricky way to end the season because I hear that the grip is changing all the time and I know that the weather is going to be bad, but you learn more by pushing yourself to the limit. I’m looking forward to it a lot.”

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SalouのPort Aventuraテーマパークをベースとするラリー・エスパーニャは、WRCの中でもコンパクトなイベントとして知られている。しかし今年、前F1チャンピオンのレッドブルドライバー、キミ・ライコネンにとって、ラリーは特に短いものになった。フライングフィンは準備段階で行き過ぎ(went flying)、WRCの最後から2つめのラウンドで、シェイクダウンで車にダメージを負わせてしまった。衝撃は巨大ではなかったが、彼のC4 WRCのロールケージの損傷は続行するにはあまりにひどすぎた。今年のラリーエスパーニャはグラベルとアスファルトで初めて行われ、シェイクダウンステージは両方を含んでいた。キミは1つめのランを完了したが、セカンドランの途中、グラベルが終わりアスファルトが始まるところで、左手のコーナーのバンクヒットしてしまった。衝撃で彼のクルマはひっくり返り、転がった。コドライバー、カイ・リンドストロームのシートの真上のロールケージは損傷を受けた。これが、キミのクルマがラリーをスタートできなかった安全上の理由を意味する。

キミ・ライコネン: 時々起こることだけど、ただ、ばかだった。バンクに接触して、クルマはロールした。それだけだ。ラッキーだったなら避けられた類のことだ。でも今回は、カイの側のロールケージにダメージがあった。僕達はリスタートできない、これで(ラリーは)終わりだ。僕達に合っているラリーだと思っていたから残念だけど、今となっては僕達はそれを確かめることもできない。とてもがっかりしているけど、この失望も時にはゲームの一部だって分かる程度には十分長くモータースポーツをやっている。(そういう風に思うことが)こういうことに対処する方法だ。今は、次のイベントをただ楽しみにするだけだ。そして将来のことに集中するつもりだ。いつも、今まで(の過去)よりもっと面白くなるんだ。


カイ・リンドストローム: 残念だが、私達は何も変えられない。他のドライバーと短いテストを行ったこともあるが、これまでにこんなに早くラリーを終えたことはなかったよ。このスポーツではあらゆるものを予測し、あらゆるものから学ばなければならない。私とキミは、自分達に起こったことを受け入れた。私はキミを分かっているが、これはただキミを奮い立たせるだろう。私達はいまここを去るが、ラリーGBで力強く戻ってくるよ。

The Rally de Espana is well-known for being a compact event of the World Rally Championship, based on stages around the Port Aventura theme park in Salou.
But this year, the rally will be particularly short for former Grand Prix Champion and Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen. The flying Finn went flying a bit too early in proceedings, and damaged his car in the shakedown to the penultimate round of the World Rally Championship. The impact wasn’t a huge one, but it damaged his Citroen C4 WRC’s roll cage too badly for him to continue.
This year’s Rally de Espana is being run for the first time on both gravel and asphalt surfaces, and the shakedown stage contained a bit of both. Kimi completed one run successfully, but clipped a bank on a left-hand corner halfway through the second run, just after the gravel finished and the asphalt began. The impact tipped his car over, and it rolled. The roll cage just above co-driver Kaj Lindstrom’s seat was damaged, which meant that for safety reasons Kimi’s car was not able to start the rally.

“It was just one of those stupid things that happens sometimes: I just touched the bank and the car rolled,” said the Iceman. “It’s the sort of thing that if you’re lucky you get away with it, but on this occasion there was something that damaged the roll cage on Kaj’s side of the car. We can’t restart so that’s the end of that. It’s a pity as I think it was a rally that might have suited us but now we’ll never know. I’m obviously disappointed, but I’ve been around motorsport for long enough to know that disappointments are part of the game sometimes; it’s how you deal with them that matters. Now I’m just looking forward to our next event and I’m going to concentrate on the future. That’s always more interesting than the past.”

The Rally de Espana has often been described as the closest that the World Rally Championship comes to circuit racing, but Kimi will be watching it on television this year as he is now heading straight home to Switzerland.

Kaj Lindstrom is also resigned to being a spectator, but he is always able to look on the bright side of any situation. “It’s a pity, but this doesn’t really change anything for us,” Kaj said. “I’ve never had a rally finish this soon before, although I’ve had some pretty short tests with some other drivers! You have to expect anything and learn from everything in this sport, so myself and Kimi have already put what happened behind us. I know Kimi and this will just make him more determined. We’re going to go away now, but we’ll come back strongly for Rally Great Britain: I’m absolutely sure of this.”

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Rally de España – Conference 1

壮大な出オチを決めたキミさんですが、カンファレンスには出てから帰りました。シェイクダウンに一番乗り→ロールしてリタイアって。すげー、直帰してないとか! ていうかシェイクダウンの後にプレカンだったことも地味にビックリした。


このラリーの正式の名前はRally RACC Catalunya-Costa Daurada/Rally de Espanaと言う長い名前になります。この中にはスペインの民族の歴史とFIAの方針が全てこめられています。少し長くなりますがそれを説明しましょう。
RACCはRoyal Automobile Club of Catalunya,(主催クラブ)、Catalunyaはバルセロナを中心とした地方の名前ですが大国スペインの首都であるマドリッド(カスティーニャ地方)とは対立関係にあります。歴史的には国を2分して激しい内戦の時代がありました。現在でも関係が良いわけではありません。従ってこの地方の民族の誇りを示すためどうしてもCatalunyaの文字は正式名に入れなければならないのです。Costa Dauradaは開催地の名前です。一方FIAはWRCのラリー名には必ず国名を付けることを要求しているため正式名は長いダブルネームとなっています。我々のような第三者はRally of Spainと言っておけばいいのでしょう。(【WRCコラム】2010年第12戦 スペイン)

ラテンの定義 (可夢偉君って、ラテンに近いですか?w)


Rally de España – Conference 1
Q: キミ、シェイクダウンステージでのアクシデントがあって、あなたはイベントをスタートしないと聞いているけど、何があったか話してくれませんか?
KR: 少しバンクに接触してしまって、クルマは宙にジャンプして、バンクにヒットした。ロールケージが曲がった。それだけ。

Q: ステージはどのくらい走りましたか?
KR: (事故は)ターマックが始まる直前だった。

Q: クルマにダメージを負い、あなたはスタートできませんが…
KR: それがルールだからね。僕達にできることは何もない。

Q: ステージをどう思いましたか?
KR: ビデオで見た時は真っ直ぐで高速だと思った。でもレッキに来てみたら、ツイスティーでコーナーがたくさんあった。これが僕達が見たことの全て。今週末は帰って何か他のことをするよ。

Q: 週末の計画は?ここに留まって他の人をサポートしますか?
KR: スイスに帰ろうと思っている。

Q: 将来については?もう何かニュースがありますか?
KR: 残念だけど、まだ。いくつかオプションがあって、もちろん、僕はすぐに選ばなければならない。自分自身にとって正しいものを。何もしていないよ。将来のために、いい方法を見つけたい。

Q: ここで起こったことはラリーからあなたを追い出しますか?
KR: それほどでもないよ。2回起こったけど、シーズンが始まる前からそれはわかっていた。ラリーに出られないことの方がつらい。チームにとっても。でも僕ができることは何もない。何も変えることはできないから。難しい(ラリーになる)ということは分かっていたんだ。僕はまだまだ楽しんでいるよ。このラリーを楽しみにしていたんだけど、もうそれはかなわない。

Q: ラリーGBの前に将来について決定するつもりですか?
KR: いつかの時点で僕は決めなければならない。物事にはいつも、時間の制約があるものだから。シーズンの終わりまでには整理できるといいと思っているけど、何も約束はできない。

Rally de España – Conference 1
Q: Kimi, we believe you won’t be starting the event here in Spain after an accident on the shakedown stage, can you tell us what happened?
KR: I touched the bank a little bit, the car jumped on the roof and [hit] the bank. It bent the roll cage and that’s it.
Q: How far into the stage were you?
KR: It was just before the tarmac starts.
Q: There’s damage to the car and you can’t start…
KR: That’s the rules. Nothing we can do.
Q: What did you think of the stages?
KR: I thought, from what I saw on the video, they are more straight and fast, but when I got here for the recce they were twisty with a lot of corners, that’s all we see. Now I go and do something else this weekend.
Q: What are your plans for the weekend? Will you stay around and support the guys?
KR: I think I’ll go back to Switzerland.
Q: What about the future? Is there any news yet?
KR: Unfortunately, not yet. There are some options and, for sure, I have to chose very quickly and chose the right one for myself. I haven’t done anything yet. I want to find some good way for the future.
Q: Has what happened here put you off rallying?
KR: Not really. Okay it has happened two times, but I knew that before the season. It hurts more that we can’t do the rally. And for the team, but there’s nothing I can do. It doesn’t change anything. I knew it would be difficult. I still enjoy it, I was look forward to this rally, but it will not happen.
Q: Will you have a decision about your future before Rally GB?
KR: I have to do it at some point, there’s always a timeframe for everything. I hope we get sorted by the end of the season, but I can’t promise anything.

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今週末、レッドブルドライバーのキミ・ライコネンは、メキシコからポリネシア、中国、そして西部地方へと旅をするが、スペインを一度も離れることはない。この地理的奇跡はラリー・エスパーニャ、ファンにはカタロニアラリーとして知られているこのイベントが、アメリカの著名なユニバーサルスタジオに対するヨーロッパのアンサー、Port Aventura テーマパークにベースを置くということによって可能になる。世界のエキゾチックな光景がテーマパークで見られる。Grand Canyon Rapidsの吐き気を催すライドFurius Baco(トップスピード135km/hを誇るヨーロッパ最速のローラーコースター)、Dragon Khan(前述とは別のローラーコースター、こちらは8つのループを特徴とする)。パエリアはしっかりと持っていて欲しい。





ラリー・エスパーニャは、バルセロナから南に車で1時間、人気の観光地SalouのCosta Dauradaをベースに行われる。ふだんはバケツ、シャベル、ビーチで有名な街だが、来たるべき週末はキミとカイ、そしてレッドブルのWRCクルーにとって長いホリデーになるだろう。

This weekend, Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen will travel from Mexico to Polynesia to China to the Wild West. And he’s not even going to leave Spain once.
This geographic miracle is made possible by the fact that the Rally de Espana, also known to fans as the Catalunya Rally, is based in the Port Aventura theme park: Europe’s answer to the famous Universal Studios in America. All these exotic regions of the world are represented in the park, thanks to stomach-churning rides such as the Grand Canyon Rapids, Furius Baco (the fastest rollercoaster in Europe with a top speed of 135kph) and the Dragon Khan (another rollercoaster, this time featuring eight inversions). Hold onto your paella…
Kimi’s rally diet will be equally mixed, because the Rally de Espana takes in both asphalt and gravel surfaces this year. On Friday, the drivers will compete on gravel roads, whereas on Saturday and Sunday the surface will be the more typical fast and flowing asphalt that Spain’s round of the World Rally Championship is famous for.
It is often said that the Catalunya Rally is the closest that world rallying comes to circuit racing. Kimi, knows a few things about racing thanks to his 18 Grand Prix wins, does not entirely agree. But like most of the events this year, it will be a brand new experience for the ‘ice man’. So what does he think?

“I don’t know the rally at all, but the route doesn’t look like any race circuit I’ve ever seen, although I’ve heard some people say it’s similar!” he joked before starting the recce. “This year it’s going to be completely different too as the first day is gravel. But I think it’s quite nice to have the variety on this event, even though gravel is not our strongest surface. In the end we’ll just do our best and try not to make any mistakes, which has been our goal since the start of the year. It should be a very interesting rally that teaches us a lot, but I don’t think we should have expectations that are too high. If we can be near the top six then that would be great, but the main is just to get to the end. If you go like crazy on the first day and go off, then you don’t learn anything. And that’s why I’m here: to learn.”

Kaj Lindstrom, the man who reads Kimi his notes, has plenty of experience to pass on in Spain. But as Kaj points out, Kimi has been pretty good at teaching himself too. “Kimi’s obviously been used to winning in Formula One all the time, and now in rallying he starts from scratch,'” said the Finn. “It can’t be easy, having to go back to basics when you’re a World Champion. But I’ve been really impressed by his attitude. He takes in absolutely everything and if you consider what he’s achieved despite his lack of experience, it’s pretty impressive. Hopefully Spain will be good for us: Kimi should be more comfortable on the asphalt roads of Saturday and Sunday.”

The Rally de Espana is based in the popular tourist resort of Salou, an hour’s drive south of Barcelona on the Costa Daurada. While the town is normally famous for buckets, spades and beaches, the coming weekend is going to be a long way from being a holiday for Kimi, Kaj and all the other intrepid Red Bull-backed World Rally Championship crews…

On Friday, the crews will face a stage that is 100% gravel (SS2/5 La Ribera d’Ebre) and two mixed surface stages. The first stage of the loop, Terra Alta (35.94 km) is 73% gravel. The final stage, Les Garrigues (17.28 km) is split equally between sealed and loose surfaces.
The two Citroen C4 WRCs will be in gravel configuration on the first day, but will be put into full asphalt specification for Saturday and Sunday during a long service halt (1h15m) on Friday evening.

Citroen Junior Team manager Benoit Nogier commented: “There’s going to be a lot of work to convert our Citroen C4 WRCs from gravel to asphalt specification. We’ve prepared for this service halt especially so that we can be both quick and efficient. The team will be embarking on two 75-minute sessions, which in theory gives us enough time to do everything we need to do…as long as all goes according to plan.”

The two Citroen Junior Team crews each spent a day testing in the south of France in order to prepare for the penultimate round of the season. Sebastien Ogier reported : “The roads were damp. It wasn’t ideal for us to work on the set-up but it was really important to get the kilometres in for both myself and Kimi, who was asking me a lot of questions so that we could compare our impressions.”

“We’ll start second on the road for day one so we’ll certainly suffer a bit with road-sweeping,” continued Sebastien. “We’ll just need to stay in touch and not lose too much time compared to the drivers who are starting behind us. This first mixed day could well play an absolutely crucial role in the final classification. My objective is to finish runner-up in the World Championship and so I need a good result in Spain.”

“It’s another step into the unknown,” added Kimi. “I don’t really know if our start position will be a help or a disadvantage. On the gravel, we will maybe have a clean line to help us but the asphalt sections might be very dirty. It will be vital for us to come out of the first day without making any mistakes so that we are in a good position for the rest of the rally.”

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Three questions to… Kimi Räikkönen




Three questions to… Kimi Räikkönen
Let’s go back to the Rallye de France-Alsace. Why did you call it a day on Saturday night?
“We start each rally with the aim of learning and taking away as much experience as we can. In Alsace, I learned a lot once more. I felt comfortable in the quick parts but I struggled in some of the slower corners. There was so much mud on the road that it hardly looked like an asphalt rally any more. It was a useful experience, but there was no point in continuing like that under these conditions. I wouldn’t have learned anything more on the final day. The best decision was to save the car for the Rally of Spain.”

Have you got any particular ambitions for Spain?
“Since the start of the season I’ve heard that this rally would be the one that suits my driving style most.The stages are quick and quite wide. It’s the place where rallying comes closest to racing, so the drivers all have to concentrate hard on their lines. However, it’s also a rally that everyone knows very well. Obviously I’m going to have quite a disadvantage in terms of experience. My objective is to be as close as I can to the top six, maybe a bit closer than I was at the start of the rally in France.”

The first day of the rally will take place on both gravel and asphalt. Are you worried about these surface changes?
“I’m learning all the rallies this season and each event has its own individual characteristics. On the recce, I come across new things all the time that I just have to get used to. Part of the game is to know how to deal with all these different things. On the World Championship you go from gravel to asphalt and asphalt to gravel several times over the course of a season. This time, it will all happen in the space of the same stage. So let’s just see what happens on Friday.”

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30年以上続いたコルシカの後に、ラリー・ド・フランスはアルザスで開催されている。しかしキミ・ライコネンのシトロエンチームの同僚であるセバスチャン・ロウブは、Alsatianとして有名なだけではない。キミが住んでいるスイスと、ドイツとの間に押し込まれているこの小さな州は、フットボールの監督であるアーセン・ベンゲル(※アーセナルFC監督)や、ミシェル・プラティニ(※元フランス代表選手、UEFA会長)などのスポーツ界のスターも輩出している。ジャーマンシェパードとして知られているAlsatian dogの成り立ちについては言及しない(※イギリスでは大戦後の反独感情からAlsatianと呼ばれた)。
ラリーの初日、キミはグリップに苦しんだが、彼のフロントにいるドライバー達がコースにほこりを撒き散らしたので、各ステージは泥レスリングのアリーナのようだった。グリップの量は、マシンガンを持ったチンパンジーと同じように予想できるようになった。しかし、キミは全体の7番手で切り抜けるために、彼の神経を保った。DAY 2でも同じく、泥だらけの問題は存在した。より多くのコーナー・カッティングを特徴とするタイトで曲がりくねったブドウ園のステージ。これらは、8月にキミがWRC初めてのステージファステストを記録したラリードイツのステージと異なってはいなかった。

キミ・ライコネン: ただ、ばかばかしい。高速コーナーでは何の問題もなかったのに、低速コーナーで苦しむなんて! 今日はすごくたくさん泥があってグリップが少ししかなかった、普通のアスファルトラリーとは違っていた。クルマは、2つのインシデントの後も少しのダメージも受けていなかったけれど、オーダーからこれほど離れてしまっては、同じモチベーションをしっかりと持ち続けることはできないし、これが物事を難しくさせてしまう。ただ僕達はかなり学習した。この経験をしたことは本当に有意義だった。こういうコンディションで明日より学習できるとは僕は思わない。すごく楽しみにしているカタロニアのラリーに向けて、クルマを温存することが分別ある決断だと思う。

カイ・リンドストローム: 勝つこともあれば負けることもある(Some you win, some you lose)。今日は私達にとって少し不運だった。ラリーでは、ほんの小さな出来事がリタイアの原因になることがある。限界を見つけることが、学習のプロセスにおけるすべてだ。特にキミにとってはこれが、このクルマでのたった3回目のWRCアスファルトラリーなのだから。彼は困難な状況下で、6番手タイムを含む本当に有望なパフォーマンスを見せた。私達はスペインでの次のラウンドに向けて、できるだけよく準備を進めることに集中するつもりだ。


After more than 30 years in Corsica, the Rallye de France is being run in Alsace but Kimi Raikkonen’s Citroen colleague Sebastien Loeb is not the only famous Alsatian out there.
This tiny French province, tucked into a corner of Germany and Kimi’s adopted home of Switzerland, has also produced football manager Arsene Wenger as well as other sporting stars such as Michel Platini. Not to mention generations of Alsatian dogs, also known as German Shepherds.
Kimi struggled with grip on the first day of the rally, largely due to the cars in front of him sprinkling so much dirt onto the road that the stages looked like a mud-wrestling arena. This made the amount of grip as predictable as a chimpanzee with a machine gun, but Kimi still kept his nerve to skate to seventh overall.
The same muddy problem existed on day two, which featured even more corner-cutting on the tight and twisty vineyard stages. These were not dissimilar to those on the Rally Germany, where Kimi set his first World Rally Championship fastest stage time in August.
‘The Iceman’ was making solid progress on the damp roads until he got caught out by a slippery corner halfway through the second stage of the day, taken at about 20kph. The car became beached in a place where there were not many spectators and he lost more than half an hour trying to get back on the road. Kimi continued right up to the penultimate stage today before definitively ending his day’s work when the car got stuck again on the outside of a corner. The Red Bull driver will not return under the SupeRally regulations tomorrow, as he has decided not to risk damaging his Citroen C4 further prior to next rally in Spain later this month.

“It was just a stupid thing,” said Kimi. “We’ve not had any problems during the fast corners on the rally, so it’s really silly that we suffered in the slow ones! There was just so much mud and so little grip today that it wasn’t like a normal asphalt rally. The car did not sustain any damage during either of our two incidents, but obviously when you are running so far down the order you don’t have exactly the same motivation and that makes things quite difficult. We still learned a lot though and it has been really useful to have had this experience. I don’t think we’re going to learn much more tomorrow under these conditions, so the sensible decision is to save the car for the Catalunya Rally, which I’m really looking forward to.”

His co-driver Kaj Lindstrom added: “Some you win, some you lose and today was just a bit unlucky for us. In rallying, just the smallest things can put you out and finding the limit is all part of the learning process, particularly as this is only Kimi’s third World Championship rally on asphalt with this car. He’s put in some really promising performances under difficult circumstances, including a sixth-fastest time today. Now we’re going to concentrate on being as well-prepared as possible for the next round in Spain.”

The final day of the Rallye de France tomorrow takes competitors through Sebastien Loeb’s hometown of Haguenau at what seems set to be a Citroen party. It’s just as well that there is plenty of Red Bull in the fridge…

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キミは午前中、アルザスのスリッピーなアスファルトロードの向こうのセバスチャン・ロウブの裏庭で行われるラリー・ド・フランスにおいて、すべての信頼を必要とした。10月は冬を意味するので、本日のコンディションは寒くウエットであった。3回目のWRCアスファルトラリーであるキミにとっては理想的な状況ではなかった。それにもかかわらず、トラブルフリーで8つのステージを終え、キミは彼のシトロエンジュニアチームC4 WRCを、スクラッチもなく、全体の7番手で持ち帰った。

キミ・ライコネン: グリップが常にすごく変化していて、全てに慣れることは僕にとって簡単ではなかった。たぶん僕達は、午前中はちょっと慎重すぎたと思う。コースは泥と砂利が大量にあって、僕達の予想よりもものすごくスリッピーだった。最初の2台には明らかにアドバンテージがあった。その後はとても難しかったよ。でも僕達はミスをしなかった。これは重要なことだ。僕達は常に新しいことを学んでいる。ドイツでのアスファルトラリーはすごく平坦だったから、スリッピーなコンディションで下りのセクションをドライブするのは初めてだった。午後になっても、クルマに対して僕は完全には自信がなかった。何度もスライドしたし、ブレーキング下においても難しかった。でも僕達は、もう少し速く走りたかったけれど、適切なタイムを記録し続けた。明日もただ、こういう風に続けるだけだよ。


カイ・リンドストローム: 私達がWRCで参加したアスファルト(ラリー)の中で、最もトリッキーな日だった。他のドライバー達と比べてキミには大きく経験が不足していることを考えれば、トップ8のステージタイムを記録し、全体の7番手で終えたことは素晴らしいリザルトだ。明日に向けてはいくつか考えがあるので、今日のように続けて、経験を確立し続ける計画だ。私は、私達が一日を通してミスをしなかったことを非常に喜んでいる。私達のゴールは確実にフィニッシュすることだ。

France has already developed a firm place in Finnish culture, as the world-famous Asterix books (which have sold 325 million copies worldwide) are available in no fewer than four regional dialects in Finland – including Helsinki slang, which Kimi Raikkonen would undoubtedly be familiar with.
Asterix tells the story of a brave little French soldier, with a big moustache, resisting the occupation of the mighty Roman army in ancient France. Kimi has quite a similar task on his hands this weekend, as he is up against massive local opposition who know their home territory intimately, cheered on by thousands of fans.
Kimi doesn’t have a moustache, but he does have a huge amount of determination as well as backing from Red Bull this year: his first full season of the World Rally Championship. He needed every bit of confidence on the Rallye de France this morning, held in Sebastien Loeb’s back garden over the slippery asphalt roads of Alsace.
October means winter, so conditions today were cold and wet: hardly an ideal backdrop for what was only Kimi’s third World Championship asphalt rally. Nonetheless, at the end of eight trouble-free stages, Kimi brought his Citroen Junior Team C4 WRC home in seventh place overall, with not a scratch on it. The ‘Iceman’ is now ready for action again over eight more stages tomorrow, and he is hoping for some warmer weather. Even Finns get cold sometimes.

“With the grip being really variable all the time, it wasn’t easy for me to get used to everything and we were probably a bit too careful in the morning,” said Kimi. “It’s been quite slippery with a lot of mud and gravel on the road; much more than we expected. The first two cars clearly had the advantage and after that it was really difficult. But we’ve made no mistakes, which was important. We’re learning new things all the time: it was the first time that we’ve driven in slippery conditions with downhill sections because on our last asphalt rally in Germany it was always flat. In the afternoon I wasn’t completely confident with the car; we were sliding a lot at the back and it was difficult under braking. But we’ve set decent times all day, although we would like to be a little quicker, and now we just need to continue like this tomorrow.”

Asterix has a sidekick called Obelix but instead Kimi Raikkonen can rely on his co-driver Kaj Lindstrom: who is as just as dependable as the Gaulish warrior, but smaller, lighter and with a much better sense of direction. Kaj has been pleased with Kimi’s progress on the difficult conditions of the opening day in France and the Finn is looking forward to more action tomorrow.

“This is certainly the most tricky day on asphalt that we have contested so far on the World Rally Championship, so to come out of it setting top-eight stage times and in seventh overall is a great result, given Kimi’s huge lack of experience compared to the other drivers here,” said Kaj. “We’ve got a few ideas about tomorrow, so the plan is to carry on like this and keep building up experience. I’m very pleased that we have had no mistakes at all today, and our goal is to get a solid finish.”

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自由: WRCの新しいラウンド、ブルガリアで素晴らしいペースを示した後、キミは彼が最もよく慣れ親しんだ路面での能力を示して構わない。正確に言えば、彼が最もよく知らない路面でもあるが。
平等: キミは偉大なセバスチャン・ロウブと同じシトロエンC4 WRCをドライブする。この男は2004年以来、アスファルトでは無敗である。同じ記録をシトロエンも持っている。これは密封された路面に打ち勝つクルマだ。
友愛: キミは、ホームイベントとおそらくロウブの7回目のドライバーズタイトルを祝うシトロエン、そしてレッドブルファミリーの一員になる。ラリーはロウブの地元であるアルザスを通り抜けるので、そこではレッドブルカクテルでのパーティが繰り広げられるに違いない。

これは別として、キミは何を期待すべきかというアイディアがほとんどない。しかし彼は2週間前に、今週末で出会うことになるものと類似したステージを含むRallye Vosgienで勝利を収めることにより、ラリーウィナーの一員に加わった。経験は今年のキミにとっての全てである。これがC4での10回目のWRCイベントである彼は、残りのWRCフィールドに臨むとき、セバスチャン・ロウブの裏庭で得る知識が彼の助けになるだろうことを期待している。

キミ・ライコネン: 簡単でないことは確かだけど、僕達がフランスでいいリザルトを獲得できるよう期待している。ブルガリアでのようなペースをトップ5で見せることができればすごくいいだろうね。問題は、ルートがどんな風になっているか何も知らない時に、結果を予測するのはいつだって難しいということ。だから、ペースノートを可能な限り最高なセットにするために、僕達はレッキにただ最大限に集中するだけだ。僕達はシーズンの初めからあらゆるエリアで進歩してきたし、いま僕はもっと快適に感じている。今週末も、僕達の前進を続けたいと思っているよ。フランスはシトロエンにとってすごく重要なイベントなのははっきりしているし、とても楽しくなりそうだ。フェラーリをモンツァでドライブするのにちょっと似てるよ!


カイ・リンドストローム: 我々は段階的に学習している。私は、これがキミのラリーの最初の年だということを人々はときどき忘れているような気がする。以前に何の経験もない状態でベストなドライバー達と競争する、非常に高いレベルまで一直線に到達できる者はいない。キミはとてもよくやっている。私は、彼がフランスでまた進化できると確信している。アスファルトは確かに彼が他よりもよく知っている路面だ。キミがステージで才能を最大限に発揮できるよう、レッキでいいペースノートを作ることに一緒に取り組むつもりだ。


The French national motto will be a good one for Red Bull driver Kimi Raikkonen as he discovers new territory on the Rallye de France this weekend: the first time that the event is being run in Alsace after several years in Corsica.
Liberty: After showing great pace on the last all-new round of the World Rally Championship, in Bulgaria, Kimi is free to demonstrate just what he is capable of on the surface that he is most familiar with. Or, to be accurate, the surface that he is least unfamiliar with.
Equality: Kimi will be driving the same Citroen C4 WRC as the great Sebastien Loeb, who has been undefeated on asphalt since 2004. The same record stands for Citroen, which is the car to beat on sealed surfaces.
Fraternity: Once more, Kimi will be part of the extended Red Bull and Citroen family as it celebrates its home event and very possibly a seventh consecutive drivers’ title for Loeb. The rally runs through Loeb’s native Alsace, so there’s bound to be a good party with plenty of Red Bull cocktails afterwards.

Apart from that, Kimi has little idea of what to expect, although he did join the ranks of rally winners two weeks ago by triumphing on the Rallye Vosgien: a small national event in France that contains similar stages to those he will see this weekend.
Experience is what it is all about for Kimi this year, and he is hoping that the knowledge he gained in Sebastien Loeb’s back garden will help him when he faces the rest of the WRC field on what will still only be his 10th World Rally Championship event in the Citroen C4 WRC.

“It’s not easy, that’s for sure,” said Raikkonen. “But I’m hoping that we can have a good result in France. If we can show the same sort of pace like we did in Bulgaria, in the top five, then that would be really good. The problem is that it’s always hard to predict a result when you don’t know anything about what the route is going to be like, so we’ll just concentrate very hard on the recce to end up with the best set of pace notes possible. Generally we’ve improved in every area since the start of the season and I feel a lot more comfortable now, so we’re hoping to continue our progress this weekend. France is obviously a really important event for Citroen so I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun: a bit like driving for Ferrari at Monza!”

Co-driver Kaj Lindstrom, who has sat alongside Kimi since the Finn made his world rally debut in a Super 2000 car on the Rally Finland last year, is also looking forward to the weekend, although he’s not expecting a French revolution.

“We’re learning step by step; I think sometimes people forget that this is only Kimi’s first year in rallying and that nobody has ever walked straight into the very top level to compete against the very best with no experience before,” said Kaj. “Kimi’s been doing very well, and I’m sure that he can improve again in France. Asphalt is obviously a surface that he knows a bit better, and together we’ll be working on putting together a good set of pace notes during the recce so that Kimi can make the most of his talent on the stages.”

Rallye de France is based in Strasbourg: the seat of the European Parliament and the second-largest port on the Rhine River, after Duisburg in Germany.

Kimi Räikkönen is becoming more and more competitive with every stage that he drives in the Citroën C4 WRC, and he was able to take the wheel of the car again recently at the Rallye Vosgien. The 2007 Formula One World Champion claimed his first rally victory on this former round of the French Rally Championship.
“We came to the rally to accumulate more kilometres of experience on asphalt,” explained Kimi. “It was more useful than a straightforward test, as it allowed us to try out quite a variety of special stages. The level in the World Rally Championship now is so high that you cannot afford to lose a single second. So you have to be completely ready from the very start. From what I have heard, the roads we have driven on during that practice event will be very similar to what we will find on the Rallye de France itself. It’s very positive to be able to prepare for a rally in this way.”
The Finn usually feels comfortable on asphalt, having set his first fastest stage time on the World Championship at the Rallye Deutschland. He will also have the advantage of competing on a rally that is brand new to everyone.
“This was the case in Turkey and in Bulgaria, both of which went well for us,” he added. “When we have the same amount of experience as the other crews, it’s definitely easier for us to be on the pace. Once again, this is proof that the key to it all is to stay patient and build up as much experience as possible.”

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Rally Japan Day 3

観客がいなくて不運だた(´・ω・`)って2人とも言ってるけど、観客(特にミョーな勢いのある女子)がいても逆にもみくちゃで危なかったかも…と思うのは私だけ…?(笑) ←や、笑い事じゃないよーなこともたくさん起こったらしいのでねー。2人ともケガなく(毛がなく…でなくて)なにより!



キミ・ライコネン: すごく長い間ミスしないで走ってきた後に、こういう小さなことでリタイアしなければならなくなったのは本当にがっかりだ。僕がノートを全く理解しなかったから、僕達はコーナーに速く侵入しすぎてしまった。クルマを戻そうとしたけど、残念ながらできることは何もなくて、僕達はコースオフしてしまった。周りにもし観客がいたなら何も問題なくコースに戻れただろうけど、そこは誰もいない場所だった。とてもアンラッキーだった、それだけだ。だけど僕達はとてもたくさん学習したし、後には2つのアスファルトラリーが待っている。いい結果を得るためにベストを尽くすつもりだ。


カイ・リンドストローム: 我々はこの罰に値しない。誰のせいでもない出来事だった(と、彼とキミがサービスに戻った時に語った)。ラリーカーに乗っている時は色々とやることがあって忙しいので、ペースノートを聞き間違えることは非常によく起こることだ。更にそこはトリッキーな場所だった。観客がいなかったために、我々は不運だった。(観客がいれば)我々はラリーを続けることができただろう。しかしこのラリーで我々が得られたポジティヴな要素もたくさんある。昨日は、我々がグラベルで経験したベストな日のひとつだった。我々は常によい方へ向かっている。


“Banzai!” is a typical Japanese battle cry, traditionally used by soldiers charging bravely into battle even when the odds are stacked against them. It’s all about attempting the nearly impossible, such as the modern phenomenon of the ‘banzai skydive’: the act of throwing a parachute from a flying plane and eventually jumping out after it, in the fervent hope of catching the parachute up.
Appropriately enough, the record for banzai skydiving is held by a Japanese gentleman, Yasuhiro Kubo, who waited for a courageous 50 seconds in between throwing out his parachute and deciding to go and retrieve it.
Kimi Raikkonen, the 2007 Formula One champion, has never been skydiving. But attempting Rally Japan, one of the most specialised events on the world rally calendar, with just nine WRC outings in a top car behind him was a bit like throwing the parachute out first and wondering how to catch it later.

During the first two days the Red Bull driver had a trouble-free run, climbing as high as eighth overall in the land of the rising sun. Driving a rally car is as different to Formula One as rugby is to football, but Kimi showed excellent consistency by setting eighth-fastest time on all of Saturday’s stages apart from one, where he was sixth.
The first stage this morning is where it all went wrong. Halfway through the Bisan test on Sunday, Kimi misheard a pace note. The car slid wide, the engine stalled and the crew slithered off the road. It was a very low-speed off and the Citroen was completely undamaged but with no spectators around, it was impossible to get back on the stage.

“After steering clear of mistakes for so long, it’s really disappointing that such a small thing caused us to retire,” said Kimi. “I just didn’t quite understand the note, so we were a bit too quick into the corner. I tried to get the car back but unfortunately there was nothing to do and we went off. If there had been some spectators around then we would have had no problem to get back onto the road but it was in a place where nobody was there so unfortunately that’s it. We learned a lot though and now we’ve got two asphalt rallies coming up, so we’re going to be trying our best to come away with a good result.”

Japan is turning into an unlucky event for co-driver Kaj Lindstrom, as he also failed to finish on his last outing in Hokkaido back in 2005. “We didn’t deserve this; it was nobody’s fault,” said Kaj when he and Kimi got back to service in Sapporo. “There’s a lot going on in the rally car, so it’s very easy to mishear a pace note and it was a tricky place. We were unlucky that there were no spectators, otherwise we could have continued. But there are a lot of positive things that we can take from this rally: yesterday was one of the best days we have ever driven on gravel and we are getting better all the time.”

Kimi built his reputation on asphalt, so he’s now looking forward to heading back to his favourite surface for the all-new Rallye de France at the end of this month. It’s sure to be another banzai attack from the Iceman and he can’t wait.

Kimi Räikkönen and Kaj Lindström were eighth on the road for the final day of the rally but got caught out on the opening special stage. “I misunderstood a pace note,” explained Kimi when he got back to the service park. “It was my fault. The rear of the car went wide and we slid down a bank. Unfortunately we weren’t able to get going again. It’s disappointing, as when we were finally able to get the car back onto the road we were able to drive back to service as usual. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it.”

“The first morning was really difficult as I didn’t have a good feeling with the car,” added the Finn, who received a very warm welcome from all the Japanese fans. “Then, thanks to some good work from the team on the set-up, we were able to make a lot of progress. Without any pre-event testing and with a shakedown that took place only on asphalt, I needed a few kilometres just to build up a comfortable feeling again. Once more we’ve learned a lot on a rally that is completely new to us. It was a very tricky route, with extremely specialised stages…”

Team Manager Benoit Nogier concluded: “Dani experienced a few difficulties in his performance over just a handful of kilometres. Apart from that, he proved to be extremely competitive, setting several fastest stage times. We felt that he was fully integrated into our team and hugely motivated. He fought at the front, showing that his place is right up there with all the other factory drivers. We’re a bit disappointed not to see Kimi at the finish though. He drove a very solid rally yesterday but today it did not quite come to fruition. On the asphalt rallies coming up, he should feel a bit more at ease.
In Alsace, where the Rallye de France is based, we will also welcome Sébastien Ogier back to the Citroën Junior Team: a driver who is building up quite a reputation in the World Rally Championship.”


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